Saturday, December 30, 2023

Old Folks Home - Christmas 2023

   We visited the office to bring some donation to benefit the nursing home for the elderly

Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Santa visited nursery school


For a Loving World


S. Stefano

 Continuiamo a tenere accese le candele del Natale anche dopo questo breve periodo: la candela della fede nelle cure amorevoli del nostro Creatore e la candela della considerazione e della compassione per il prossimo.

Wednesday, December 20, 2023

I like it

  Fate in modo che la preghiera sia il vostro preludio e rimarrete in sintonia per tutto il giorno. Fate della preghiera il vostro finale e concluderete la giornata con la nota giusta.  

Sunday, December 17, 2023


                               Emerging creative artist: Gio Victor


      I became my art journey with humble beginnings as an apprentice craftsman - leatherworker - and learning about symbolist art by befriending a famous Italian painter and artist Erico Prometti (1945-2008).


     As a teenager that I was in the 1970s I had the opportunity to travel to parts of Europe, discovering the meaning of the mystery of life and its truths, complimenting the answer in what I was searching for in Southeast Asia.


   Over the past 20 plus years, I have undertaken various artistic paths, including: Street entertainer with artistic balloon sculpture, Clown/Doctor-Patch Adams smile therapy in hospitals, artistic projects & guitar singer for children with cancer or doing in special occasion Magic Show & games entertainment in visiting Orphanages, Special Schools and others needed places.    


To contact via E-mail:        

Please visit the Face Book page:    

Saturday, December 16, 2023

The Hidden Message of the 12 Days of Christmas

Il credo dei 12 Apostoli (adattato)

1. Credo in Dio Padre, onnipotente, creatore del cielo e della terra:

2. E in Gesù Cristo, suo Figlio unigenito, nostro Signore:

3. Che è stato concepito dallo Spirito Santo, nato dalla Vergine Maria:

4. Soffrì sotto la legge di Mosè, misinterpretata dai capi religiosi di quel tempo e con l’autorizzazione data da Ponzio Pilato; fu crocifisso, morto e sepolto: Discese agli inferi:

5. Il terzo giorno risuscitò dai morti:

6. Salì al cielo e siede alla destra di Dio Padre onnipotente:

7. Da lì verrà a giudicare i vivi e i morti:

8. Credo nello Spirito Santo:

9. Credo nella santa Chiesa: la comunione dei santi:

10. Il perdono dei peccati:

1l. La risurrezione del corpo:

12. E la vita eterna. Amen.

Saturday, November 18, 2023

The Gatekeepers

Currently, many journalists only testify about the sad facts regarding what is happening in the Middle East today and also in various parts of the world.

 True journalism should communicate to us humans also that these genocides and terrible events were prophesied already in the Holy Scriptures (The Bible) 2000 years ago.    

 Because we are witnessing their fulfillment of this prophecy now. 

2Timothy 3:1-13
“Now know this: that in the last days troubled times will come […] the wicked and the deceivers will go from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived”
                                                             * '^'§'^' *      

Attualmente molti giornalisti testimoniano solamente dei tristi fatti a riguardo di  quello  che oggi succede nel Medio Oriente e anche nelle varie parti del mondo.

 il vero giornalismo dovrebbe comunicare a noi umani che questi genocidi e terribili eventi sono stati profetizzati gia' nelle Sacre scritture (la Bibbia) 2000 anni fa.  Ed ora ne siamo testimoni dell'adempimento. 

2Timoteo 3:1-13                                                                                                                 “Or sappi questo: che negli ultimi giorni verranno tempi difficili […] i malvagi e gli imbroglioni andranno di male in peggio, seducendo ed essendo sedotti”

Friday, November 17, 2023

17 November

 Jesus: the Beginning of victory over death and with His second coming the end of Satan freedom

Friday, October 20, 2023


       City of Singapore and small state and island in South East Asia. It's up to you to judge this article from an English newspaper.


Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Nursing Home

 Photo from yesterday taken from a government institution managed as a nursing home with 170 elderly people who are guests and in care there.

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Have a nice day!


Reaction to a friend life's testimony

Hi dear friend M.

Sorry to read about your new "NOW" situation. 

I can personally empathize very well with your article because it reminded me of what happened to me back in the fall of 1998. 

I had just returned to my apartment & base that year from a summer faith trip to Poland. 

One day praying for advice from the Lord: I asked Him "what I should do with my future plans?" Because I was contemplating going back to the Eastern European mission field again. 

Jesus made it clear to me in a dream and through a very vivid vision that He would help me in this great change of life of mine by carrying me in His arms like a child. 

Waking up from the dream I immediately understood that with this decision of mine the Lord would remove all my doubts and conquer all fears, because I knew that by Faith I was doing His will, in forsaking all everything and so doing, to be back in Poland reunited with the home again.  


Hebr. 13:6

Isaiah 40: 29 

Rev. 21:4

Deut. 3:22

Sal. 63: 8





Sunday, September 24, 2023

To Have a Happy Marriage


Have You Ever Been To Hell? Part II

Spiritual experience had by a Born Again Believer in the Lord Jesus Christ in visiting hell!
The missionary has now been in Heaven with Him for almost 10 years now! Hallelujah!

Thursday, September 7, 2023

September Social Activities

                         Social activities at the Boys' Orphanage


Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Have a Happy Summer Vacations

Se imparate a trovare il "bene" di Dio anche nei momenti più difficili della vita

non avrete mai più una brutta giornata.

 Japanese cucumbers


Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Michio Kaku - This is Why Quantum Computers Will Change Everything

For more info: If you like to read themes like: Ancient & Controversial Knowledge- UFOs and Occultism, (follow this site which I attach) where you will find a new book by the Italian/English journalist writer Leo Lyon Zagami where you can read for free in kindle version, the introduction of his new book and also the first chapter too.

Saturday, July 29, 2023

28/07/2023 - Thailand King 10 Rama Birthday

On the occasion of his birthday: the King Rama 10 of the kingdom of Thailand, , Rose together with the neighbors yesterday helped prepare and distributed 100 bags as a gift to passers-by on our main street where we live.

Sunday, June 25, 2023

Catholic' Orphanage


      Charity visit at Catholic' orphanage to bring aid to 25 HIV-positive children  

Friday, May 12, 2023

from artist Joseph

 Once upon a time a friend artist donate to me this sketch he draw   

today I painted like this
hope you like it