Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Reaction to a friend life's testimony

Hi dear friend M.

Sorry to read about your new "NOW" situation. 

I can personally empathize very well with your article because it reminded me of what happened to me back in the fall of 1998. 

I had just returned to my apartment & base that year from a summer faith trip to Poland. 

One day praying for advice from the Lord: I asked Him "what I should do with my future plans?" Because I was contemplating going back to the Eastern European mission field again. 

Jesus made it clear to me in a dream and through a very vivid vision that He would help me in this great change of life of mine by carrying me in His arms like a child. 

Waking up from the dream I immediately understood that with this decision of mine the Lord would remove all my doubts and conquer all fears, because I knew that by Faith I was doing His will, in forsaking all everything and so doing, to be back in Poland reunited with the home again.  


Hebr. 13:6

Isaiah 40: 29 

Rev. 21:4

Deut. 3:22

Sal. 63: 8





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