Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Have a nice day!


Reaction to a friend life's testimony

Hi dear friend M.

Sorry to read about your new "NOW" situation. 

I can personally empathize very well with your article because it reminded me of what happened to me back in the fall of 1998. 

I had just returned to my apartment & base that year from a summer faith trip to Poland. 

One day praying for advice from the Lord: I asked Him "what I should do with my future plans?" Because I was contemplating going back to the Eastern European mission field again. 

Jesus made it clear to me in a dream and through a very vivid vision that He would help me in this great change of life of mine by carrying me in His arms like a child. 

Waking up from the dream I immediately understood that with this decision of mine the Lord would remove all my doubts and conquer all fears, because I knew that by Faith I was doing His will, in forsaking all everything and so doing, to be back in Poland reunited with the home again.  


Hebr. 13:6

Isaiah 40: 29 

Rev. 21:4

Deut. 3:22

Sal. 63: 8





Sunday, September 24, 2023

To Have a Happy Marriage


Have You Ever Been To Hell? Part II

Spiritual experience had by a Born Again Believer in the Lord Jesus Christ in visiting hell!
The missionary has now been in Heaven with Him for almost 10 years now! Hallelujah!

Thursday, September 7, 2023

September Social Activities

                         Social activities at the Boys' Orphanage