Saturday, June 16, 2018

Legend: The true and the lie

“Legend wants that one day the truth and the lie crossed each other’s.

Good morning. He said the lie.
Good morning. He answered the truth.
- nice day. He said the lie.
So the truth would come out to see if it was true. It was.
- nice day. Then he said the truth.
- the lake is even more beautiful. He answered the lie.
The truth looked towards the lake and saw that the lie was true and nodded.
The lie said:
- the water's even more beautiful. Let's swim.
The truth grazed the water with her fingers and was really beautiful and so trusted the lie.

Both of them stripped and quietly swam
Sometime after the lie went out, he dressed in the clothes of truth and left.
The truth, unable to dress the lie’s clothes, began to walk without it and everyone was horrified to see it like this.

This is the way in which people still prefer to accept the lie disguised as truth and not the naked truth. "

Painting by Jean-léon gerôme
"the truth coming out of the well"

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