Saturday, June 30, 2018

July quote

I believe the world is incomprehensibly beautiful; an endless prospect of magic and wonder.
—Ansel Adams

Friday, June 29, 2018

June 2018 Hospital Program

Dear viewers, we come to post the latest activities at the hospital for cancer children. We try every visit to bring something for them. This time we had: a milk box, drinking water and diapers.

Next: modelling different balloons shapes, plus distributing children CD music and Thai/Eng books and do arts activity

Last but not the list...Rose introduced the Start Early Program: a English and Thai posters book aids about teaching positive foundation of moral principles.



Saturday, June 16, 2018

Legend: The true and the lie

“Legend wants that one day the truth and the lie crossed each other’s.

Good morning. He said the lie.
Good morning. He answered the truth.
- nice day. He said the lie.
So the truth would come out to see if it was true. It was.
- nice day. Then he said the truth.
- the lake is even more beautiful. He answered the lie.
The truth looked towards the lake and saw that the lie was true and nodded.
The lie said:
- the water's even more beautiful. Let's swim.
The truth grazed the water with her fingers and was really beautiful and so trusted the lie.

Both of them stripped and quietly swam
Sometime after the lie went out, he dressed in the clothes of truth and left.
The truth, unable to dress the lie’s clothes, began to walk without it and everyone was horrified to see it like this.

This is the way in which people still prefer to accept the lie disguised as truth and not the naked truth. "

Painting by Jean-léon gerôme
"the truth coming out of the well"

Friday, June 8, 2018

Inspiring Leading Article

Written by Keith Phillips
If we haven’t lived the drama, we’ve seen it depicted in movies and on TV. The patient in the intensive care unit hovers between life and death while anxious family and friends fidget and pace in the waiting room and hallway, praying for the best, preparing for the worst, scanning the faces of the doctors and nurses as they shuffle in and out of the ICU, and hanging onto their every guarded word. Will the patient survive? If so, will there be permanent damage? Will life ever be the same?
That scene is being played out today on the big stage, and we’re all players. The patient on life support is our world, and the financial policy makers are the medical professionals. The rest of us watch and wait. A near-fatal blow to the economy would have been hard enough to recover from, but looming complications worsen the odds. Will terrorism, nationalism, and base egoism proliferate like viruses in a compromised immune system? Will society’s moral fabric suffer a complete breakdown? With all that going on, can multiple ecological threats be held at bay? Can international relations take the strain? What’s the prognosis?
There is both good news and bad news, as it turns out—bad news in the short term, but good news in the long term. According to numerous passages in the Bible that foretell future events, things are going to get much worse before they get better; but when they get better, they will get unbelievably better!
We can’t stop the bad from happening, but we can prepare for it. To be forewarned is to be forearmed, so the first thing we should do is find out what to expect. The next thing we should do is equip ourselves to go through those things, to come out on top, and to be able to help others do the same. This issue of Activated will get you thinking and moving in the right direction. Be a survivor. No, be a victor!

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

June 2018 Orphanage visit

                            We love to visit and help our orphanage friends

Friday, June 1, 2018

May 2018 inspiration

Few pics of yesterday hospital activities with music inspiration. 
Donated to the teachers: drinking water, diapers, cookies and to the children and adults: uplifting and educational books & CD's music gifts.