Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Nursing Home

We ended the month of May with a visit to the hospice for the 176 elderly where we brought 23 kg. flour, cookies, 1 box of milk and 3 boxes of yogurt to drink. 

Friday, May 27, 2022

Moriga trees

                      Dedicated time in the garden to prune the moriga plants

Thursday, May 26, 2022

Today Visist

We had a good time today together with the caregivers of the boys orphanage donating: educational materials, 20 + backpacks for school, milk, cookies & 23 kg. of flour.

Monday, May 23, 2022


Questa canzone era nella mia collezione di tanti LP che ascoltavo negl'anni 70 poi lasciati all'amico con cui ero ospite. Primavera del 77 fino a fine giugno, proprio quando son partito per viaggiare e scoprire il mondo. 
This song was in my collection of many LPs I listened to in the 70s then left to the friend I was staying with. Spring 77 until the end of June, just when I left to travel and discover the world.