Thursday, March 31, 2022

A Good Quote

                                      A positive reminder

Monday, March 28, 2022

A letter to friends


Dear close friends

God bless you! We are well and we hope that all of you are well too. Today I'm writing to you some of my thoughts about the studies I've been doing recently.

The current world situation: galloping inflation, noise of conflicts and increases in the cost of living, here in Thailand for now is not as serious as in Europe.

Yes, petrol has already risen, as will a little bit of the price increase that will take place in April with the filling of the gas bottles, and the increase in the electricity bill that will be coming to us soon.

This week we went to the post office and also did some shopping to increase our survival stock of food: pasta, preserves can food, and virgin olive oil, in view of the price increases that will surely occur in the future for imported goods. 

It's one month already since the conflict between Russia and Ukraine began and it will be interesting to see what will come out of this war. We are not rooting for any of the two nations involved, because in the end we think that the ones who will really lose the most from this eight years confrontation, will be the armies involved in the conflict: the innocent people, the neighboring nations and maybe even the European ones.

I wile a go I mentioned about °The Great Reset°. This term was introduced in the -Agenda of Davos- by the creator of the IV industrial revolution: klaws Schwab, member and promoter of the World Economic Forum, operating together with other powerful people of the world, such as the financier George Soros who in the 90's made the Italian Lira collapse with a financial operation.

This 'Great Reset' is mentioned also in their "Agenda 2030" with a motto that says: 'be happy without owning anything'. In a nutshell they tell us that private property, they do not want it to exist but controlled in part by a few powerful people and some of the elite ones only.

In this Agenda 2030 mention the introduction and utilization of AI (Artificial Intelligence) technology that will replace human labor with robots, much of the work done in the past by humans will be replaced by machines. Moreover, with new technologies they want to introduce a new cashless financial system, so to end the paper money commercial system but only digital money exchange. Another change it will be experimented is a: Digital Identity too, with a subcutaneous microchip in humans bodies and try to be controlled by a single world government, like a kind of a socilnazzicomunism party. Instead in the religious field will be introduced a single World Religion - One World Religion.  

The starting line-ups for the winners of this -New World Order- are already in place, we only have to wait to see who will be the first to win, among these competitors, the title of the NWO leader.

One encouraging thing is that this satanic system will not have long life because the Lord Jesus will come back here again and stop them. He will first raise the dead in Christ, and then kidnap and take to Heaven all his chosen ones who have not been seduced by the Antichrist. 

I remember that while talking with my mother she told me: "The Antichrist is coming on horseback" and she was not wrong because the Chapter 6 of Revelation talks about four horses. The first horse is white and the second one red, "And he who rides him was given to take away peace from the earth". This horseman will introduce war on our planet taking away peace.

With the opening of the third seal; “beheld and lo make way for the black horse”: Famines - ''He who rode him had a scale in his hand'' to give the price of the value of wheat and barley. We have had since 2019 a virus that has changed so many things in the world, and it still makes me understand more of the prophetic words of our Lord Jesus Christ, what history times we are living in.

I was pleased to share with you my recent studies in eschatology and I hope I am not making any big mistakes in these interpretations of mine, but revealing to you these truths that I felt inside. As Noah did in building the ark for 130 years before to go inside. He obeyed exactly what God had revealed to him how to build so to save his family and animals from the flood. So do I, in writing this letter to you; in sending you: a glimpse of hope.

You must make a choice to take a chance or your life will never change.

Friday, March 18, 2022

I like Cecilia Cox Fine Art

 “I am drawn to still-life as a means of artistic expression because it is so personal. I can be the producer and director of my own little play. The production can be a charming little one man show or a dramatic, full-blown production with a large cast. The set design is the platform and background I choose. The still life objects are the actors, obviously, and the flowers that demand to be painted before they wilt are the prima donnas. Can you tell that I also love the theater?

My set up may take minutes, hours or days. Sometimes I have a theme or concept already in mind, but often I paint something simply because I find it beautiful. My compositions tend to be fairly simple, with a strong center of interest, and have been described as serene. I enjoy combining organic and man-made elements. I love compelling textures such as satin, velvet, wild grasses, glass, bone, peaches, and the ever so challenging flower, in all its many forms. Although I sometimes complete smaller paintings in one session (known as alla prima), I usually develop my paintings in layers, using classical techniques to convey the effect of objects in space bathed in light. And the real star of my show is that light. I paint in a very small studio but it has beautiful north light, which is essential to my vision. It inspires something in me that no other light can do, and I believe its softness is one reason why my paintings are often found to be tranquil and contemplative.

My art education was a combination of a few formal classes and lots self study and workshops and classes with notable artists. I also lived for a year in Brussels, Belgium and visited many of Europe's museums. I attended figure and portrait drawing and painting groups regularly for many years and have also enjoyed plein air landscape painting. I wish the wonderful ateliers of recent years had been around when I was younger, but alas, they were not. I’m thankful for the many new ways technology is making traditional and newer techniques accessible today. Because artists are never done learning and growing.”


The Spirit of Truth (A poem by Claire and Philip)

Thursday, March 17, 2022

New Vegetable Project

                                 Container for new plantings

                                  Salad for our supper

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Gardening Progress & Home made giardiniera

                                                 Vegetables Spinach

                                           Green Salad

                                        Pickled spring onions


Friday, March 11, 2022

March Activity

Soon it will be the season of "Songkran" festival. The celebration of the New Year in Southeast Asia, and so today we thought about bringing some gifts to the male's orphanage

Wednesday, March 9, 2022

New Frames II

                                                  Alien Invasion

Pizza Solare

Monday, March 7, 2022

Pomeridian Nano shower

                                             Now the hot season it's coming

Friday, March 4, 2022

Art: Pittura Morta

                                                  Sun Storm

                                           Tempesta Solare