Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Mission Accomplished!

                Today visited the orphanage to deliver aid for their children

      Oggi visitato l'orfanotrofio per consegnare degli aiuti per i loro bambini


Monday, March 29, 2021

Ready to go!


We will soon distribute this aid to an orphanage run by Catholic nuns
Presto distribuiamo questi aiuti ad un orfanotrofio gestito da suore cattoliche

Monday, March 22, 2021

The Improvements of our Garden

the fruits of the mulberry tree



Friday, March 12, 2021

A poor school


Sixty children from a poor school benefited from the material we brought them and also donate to them personally: much joy and love too!

 Sessanta bambini di una povera scuola hanno beneficiato del materiale che gli abbiam portato, e donato personalmente per loro anche: tanta gioia e felicità!


Saturday, March 6, 2021

The fresco in the back of the house

Restored and painted today a part of the mural made in 2016
Restaurato e dipinto oggi una parte del murales fatto nel 2016

Thursday, March 4, 2021

Thank You!!!

I sincerely thank all those who have connected and viewed our blog in these days ed registered with an E-mail. Thanks again and see you soon from the Blog: JLG

Ringrazio di cuori a tutti coloro che si sono collegati e visionato in questi giorni il nostro blog ed iscritto con an email. Grazie ancora ed arrivederci presto dal blog: JLG - Il gioioso piccolo giardino  -

Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Nano: our Pomeranian dog

In a joyful little garden there must be a playful little doggy 

Late January 2021

 Late February 2021 
March 2021