Saturday, February 27, 2021

Enjoy our JLG update

fruits and...


to grow up


like this taro

                                               and red fresh salad too

Benefits of nature is God’s abundant love
It doesn’t take something huge and flamboyant; even a simple touch of God’s creation can have an impact on how we feel and see our surroundings.                     -Maria Fontaine-

Friday, February 26, 2021

Moonshine & Vineyard

   New art project: the full moon of February - 3 pictures from three different position of the sun light 


Sunday, February 7, 2021

Start with Art


                                            The chained dragon

Wednesday, February 3, 2021

2021 male orphanage

Our 2021 first visit to a male orphanage: donated 70 ropes for gymnastics, 22 kg flour, 4 bosses of milk and yoghurt to drink, and for the center's operators, 12 books of inspiring readings bilingual Eng. /Thai

HARVEST vegetables , butterfly & seeds