Thursday, December 31, 2020

Day Care Centers


During the Christmas period in Bangkok we participated in the volunteer activities in two kindergartens, doing the animation for the little children that consisted with a program of magic, games, music and dances.


Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Christmas Posters

 We visited recently a poor nursery school to donate three boxes of drinking milk and two fans, also distributed 80 Christmas color posters too.


Sunday, November 8, 2020

Christmas Season 2020


Christmas is coming ... and we visited the "S. Lorenzo Home" orphanage with 24 HIV children to bring some gifts: a bag of 25 Kg. of white flour. two fans, two yogurt milk boxes to drink and two books from the series "The stories of grandpa Jack "

Monday, September 28, 2020

Magenta Color

                           Isn't this flowers in our joyful little garden beautiful?

Today painting

                     The window in the shape of a bull's-eye

Thursday, September 17, 2020

To Friends

                             Dedicate this postcard to thank a generous couple 

Saturday, September 5, 2020

Home for Boys


Today we returned to the male orphanage "Home for Boys" to meet the collaborators of the structure and delivered to them: 25 kg of flour, 3 boxes of drinking yogurt, 10 books with reading to reflect, two CDs and a volleyball.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Rose: the main gardener


          Risultati e Rose

Chi vuole un bel giardino,
che sia grande oppur piccino,
con bei fiori da guardare,
deve mettersi a scavare.
Ci son poche cose al mondo
per cui bastan desideri:
se si voglion cose degne,
al lavoro si va seri.
Non importa l'obiettivo
qui è il segreto delle cose:
dai di pala, ogni giorno,
se vuoi risultati o rose. 

                                          Edgar Guest

New Style of Painting


Saturday, July 18, 2020

Home for Boys

We went yesterday to visit a male orphanage. We donated two big boxes of crackers, 3 boxes of yogurt milk, and 4 music CD!

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

The dreamer's bicycle

La bicicletta allucinogena viaggiava nel tempo sconfinato dell'infinito eterno. Piano piano, veloce veloce nello spazzio celestiale una destinazione siera fatta: portare i vasi con i fiori parlanti e le verdi foglie cantanti a tutte le sue belle amanti.  "Cantate per loro!" diceva il ciclista innamorato amorevolmente incitava ad ognuna di loro canzoni inascoltate.


Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Orphanage June project

We went yesterday to visit a catholic orphanage with 28 HIV children. We donated to them a bag of flour, 3 boxes of long life milk, and one educational DVD and 2 CD's music material!

Friday, June 12, 2020

Today's Choices

The Two choices: "press toward THE mark for the prize..." (Philippians 3:14) or "to receive A mark in their right hand or in their foreheads..." (Revelation 13:16) K.J.V.

What will you choose in the near future that is coming? The free choice of the first or the imposed one of the second? Today the times are ripe for each of us believers in God, in His son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit the comforter, to begin to understand the Word of God and in doing so fulfilling His will.

Saturday, March 7, 2020

March 2020 Boys Orphanage

Visited the Boys Orphanage today!  We went to bring some sweetness to these dear orphans!

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

New year new painting

Started new year 2020 with this garden pot that I have just finished coloring.

Monday, January 6, 2020

Gifts Children's Day prep

We prepared for Saturday "Children's Day" the gifts to be distributed to the children of the hospital!