Thursday, March 17, 2016

Friend's memory

      Thai friend pass away today after fighting cancer bravely for the past 6 months  

15 March

                The preschool 's teacher happy to receive boxes of yogurt milk

Thursday, March 10, 2016

10 March hospital visiting

Was a challenging morning at the hospital. Unfortunately the children they couldn't come today in the class tired from the strong medicine treatments, so the solution was....we went to them.


Monday, March 7, 2016

New Pictures 6 March

      We visit few days a go the local boys orphanage to deliver something for them

Old pictures at Suan Dak 31 January

Preparing and shaping many balloons to give away to the many children at the center near BKK.

    It's time for the clown Boso to do some magic and give blessing to everybody.

See'you children next year!