Saturday, January 23, 2016

14 January 2016

Children's Day at the hospital
Thank'x to support also this year our January hospital activity fun magic show; donating toys, cookies and special presents to all the dearly children.

Thank you so much dear friends!
Happy parents 
Happy children!

Afternoon 25 December 2015

Making balloons  
The next place we visit was an orphanage run by Catholic nuns taking care 30 orphans with HIV.

 A new arrival to the Home
We love you children

Morning 25 December 2015

Christmas Day 
At the Special Education Center with our dearest friends from Bangkok we joint together at the school's Christmas New Year party.
Christmas Gifts
Toys distribution 

23 December 2015 Bangkok, shows in two Day Care Centers

I Day Care Center in Bangkok where we did magic show and balloons for the kids
II Day Care Center we did the same magic show with balloons. Thank's to our friends who sponsored the event with Santa distributing Christmas gifts, nice lunch with a very hammy ice cream too. 

18 December 2015

                    Activities for 60 children at a preschool in Ban Pa, Thailand
We told the true story of Santa, sang together Christmas carols and distributed balloons and gifts for the kids and a set of a first aid to the preschool director too.

8 December 2015

                        We wish you dear children a Merry Christmas 2015