Sunday, March 29, 2015

If you want to be happy...

Is amazing  how music changed the atmosphere in the children's hospital room when we start to play for them simple English happy songs.
This little angel before we start to sing she was sad and not smiling...but now she is doing much better!
Bye, bye children see you next time, we love you! 

Sunday, March 15, 2015

The Gardener


   There once was a gardener who tended his garden with great care. But one morning he came to his garden and found that is plants were unhappy and filled with despair.
"Oh dear, what is wrong" The gardener exclaimed. Why do all my flowers and trees look so sad? Tell me, good oak, what is troubling you?
   Filled with sadness the oak tree replied. "I am unhappy to be a oak. I want to be tall like the elegant pine, but instead I am stout and awkward." Turning to the pine the gardener asked. " Pine, why are you so down?" 
   "Oh, it is really not fair!" The pine tree exclaimed. "I wish I where a vine, and then I could bear thousands of grapes!". Then blurted the vine. "I don' t like how my branches twine. I wish I were tall, and bore big fruit like the peach tree."   
   The gardener looked at his flowerbed and saw the geranium was tearful. "Why are you crying? Your once lovely petals are now drooping with gloom." 
   I cannot be content". cried the geranium, "because I don't have a sweet scent like the lilac with it's lovely bloom."
  "What am I to do?" asked the gardener. "my once beautiful garden is now filled with such sadness".
   Just then the gardener noticed the daisy with it's bright and happy smile face. "Dear little daisy ", the gardener asked, "why is it that you are still so cheerful , when all my other plants are sad?"
   "Well said the daisy , "I know I'm just a small daisy, but this morning this thought came to me-if you 'd wanted a different flower or tree instead of me, you would've made that your plan. But since you planted me, I am determined to be the best little daisy I can!"
   The gardener was glad to see that this little flower was grateful for is place in the garden. "My flowers and trees," said the gardener, "you ought to be ashamed! Even though this daisy is so small, she's not whiny, but is grateful and glad for how she is made!"
   All the plants that had complaining said, "Never again will we grumble and gripe about how we were made. We'll be thankful for how we've been created!"

Suggestion: Instead of comparing with others around, cheer up and be happy, and be the best that you can be.
Be thankful for all that you have.      

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Start Again

We knew already this place for the past 9 years. Was one of the first orphanages in our province we visited. At that time we made different activities for them: clown show, modelling sculptures balloons and music entertainment. With the years pass by we limited our visit to this particular orphanage donating perishable fresh fruits or for example the past Christmas we brought also for the children 7 balls to play football.
A month a go we had a guest in our place, the mime Italian Francis (see the older post) together we took the challenge to organizing two mornings mime workshop for them and we had a very positive reactions from the boys and was a real success.
Sunday we met up with a couple of friends to visit again the orphanage, to do together volunteer work. Was very fun  to make this loving children happy with live music and our simple presence.      


Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Your Time to Go

A little sad song but with a positive message about after life's hope